ABC 33/40 E-Forecast
Morning Edition For Friday February 22, 2008
Don't miss Birmingham Parent's Camp Expo 2008 this Saturday,
Feb. 23, 2008 from 10 am. to 3 pm. at the Colonial Brookwood Village
in Birmingham.
Admission is FREE. Visit with more than 70 camps from all over
Birmingham and the Southeast, as well as camp-related businesses and
services, to help you find your child, ages toddler to teen, great
things to do this summer!
Look for local entertainment, the new Party Zone, sponsored by
BOOKS-A-MILLION, food samplings, great giveaways and much more.
Sponsored by: YMCA Camp Cosby, My 68, CW 21, WDJC and WYDE.
For information about being a vendor, call Birmingham Parent at
205-739-0090 or visit
...More Showers and Storms Today...
THREE CHEERS FOR OUR RAIN: Yes, I know, some folks are getting a bit
tired of the rain, but we still need it. The drought is still around,
although there have been some improvements. It will take a lot more
rain to bring the ground water levels up and to finish filling
reservoirs and streams. In fact, it may take several years of above
normal rainfall to accomplish all of that. We sure had some nice rain
amounts yesterday and last evening. We can't possibly list all of
them, but here are some selected totals:1.25 Oxford1.02 Marion1.42 ABC
33/40 Inverness Skycam1.80 Cottondale1.49 Mumford1.78 Mt. Cheaha
Skycam1.33 Childersburg1.31 WilsonvilleMore than 3 inches of rain fell
in parts of Sumter County in a fairly short time at mid afternoon. A
number of other locations received well over 2 inches.
WHAT'S AHEAD: We expect a good chance of showers and thunderstorms
today. Some of those will extend into the night hours and a few of the
storms today could possibly become severe. The Storm Prediction Center
had about the south half of the state under a Slight Risk of severe
weather for today. Clouds will gradually break up Saturday as it turns
cooler. We believe Sunday and Monday will be dry only to see another
barrage of thunderstorms moving into the area by Tuesday. Our good
rain events have come more frequently lately and that is a huge help.
STORM ALERT 2008: It was at Lineville High School in Clay County last
night. The final program will be Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. at the
Bethel Baptist Church in Moody. Remember, that is Tuesday night, not
the traditional Thursday. The doors open at 5:00. It is always a good
idea to get there early.
NUTS AND BOLTS: Tallahassee got 3.52 inches of rain yesterday and in
Mississippi, Jackson got 2.57. Extremes temperatures across the good
old USA yesterday included 31 below zero at Land O Lakes, Wisconsin
and Hibbing and Orr in North Minnesota. Would you believe a summer-
like 91 at Laredo, Texas along the Rio Grande? That equals a July day
in Birmingham.
J. B. Elliott
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Breezy and warmer. Showers and some strong thunderstorms.
Afternoon High 68
WIND: SW 10-18
Decreasing clouds and turning cooler.
Morning Low 43 Afternoon High 59
WIND: NW 6-12
Partly sunny and cool.
Morning Low 38 Afternoon High 58
WIND: SE 5-10
Partly sunny and warmer. Clouds increase at night.
Morning Low 37 Afternoon High 66
WIND: SE 6-12
Windy with a good chance of showers and strong thunderstorms.
Morning Low 45 Afternoon High 59
WIND: SW 15-30
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