ABC 33/40 E-Forecast
Morning Edition For Friday August 6, 2004
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..A Nice Preview of Autumn...
August days in Alabama don't get much better than this one. We are
forecasting blue sky and sunshine today, with low humidity, a fresh north
breeze, and temperatures about five degrees below normal levels for early
August. That means highs in the mid 80s.
Tonight will feel more like early October, and we are expecting most places
to be in the 54 to 59 degree range by daybreak tomorrow. The record low for
Birmingham on August 7 is 58 degrees, set in fifty four years ago in 1950,
and there is a real chance we will break that record.
The weekend will be dry with only a gradual warming trend. Summer conditions
return early next week with higher humidity levels and hotter afternoons. At
this point it looks like our next rain event will come around the middle of
next week as another front approaches from the north.
TROPICS: Hurricane Alex continues to move away from the U.S. mainland, in
the north Atlantic. The system formerly known as tropical depression two (in
the Caribbean) seems to be getting thunderstorms concentrated near the
center, and it could develop a closed circulation again at some point today.
If this happens, tropical storm Bonnie could form in the northern Caribbean
within the next 36 hours. And, the strong upper trough over the eastern U.S.
will be lifting out late this weekend, and might provide a window for the
system to enter the southeast Gulf of Mexico. We will keep an eye on it.
AT THE BEACH: Delightful weather for the central Gulf coast this weekend
with sunny days and clear nights. The sea water temperature at the Dauphin
Island Sea Lab late yesterday was an amazing 90 degrees. Air temperatures
will peak in the mid to upper 80s.
James Spann
ABC 33/40 7 Day Planner:
ABC 33/40 Weathertalk:
Very pleasant. Sunny and less humid.
Afternoon High 86
WIND: N 10-18
Sunny with a cool morning for August.
Morning Low 56 Afternoon High 87
WIND: NE 5-10
Lots of sunshine.
Morning Low 59 Afternoon High 89
WIND: E 5-10
Partly to mostly sunny. A little more humid.
Morning Low 64 Afternoon High 91
WIND: S 5-10
Partly sunny.
Morning Low 70 Afternoon High 91
WIND: SW 5-10
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7:00pm George Lopez
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8:00pm Hope and Faith
8:30pm Less Than Perfect
9:00pm 20/20
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10:35pm Nightline
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